The Pioneer Program (1958-1978) was a series of eleven probes sent out by NASA to explore our solar system. They were built with precision, creativity, ingenuity, and workmanship in excited hope of discovery and out of the goodwill of mankind. Their missions taught us things about our cosmic home that we could never of dreamt of. They were sent forward in peace to learn, teach, and to explore. Sent not only to receive but also to give to our universe, they are laden with the greetings, music, brainwaves, and art of the peoples of earth as well as sounds and images of the diversity of our living and azoic planet.
Pioneer 10 became the first manmade object to leave our solar system and has journeyed past the heliosphere and into interstellar space. It, along with the four other probes that have left our solar system are humanities fingertips into the depths of space, reaching to touch whatever or whomever we may find there.
P10NEER is a place inspired by those missions, those machines, and the people who built them. It is a place for drinks. A bar build to learn and share and explore. Built on creativity, craftsmanship, goodwill, and hope. Made to probe, explore, and glorify the diversity of tastes and textures of our world. Designed to press ever outward, to discover and share.